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Games Preview: Borderlands The Game  

Borderlands offers a shooter game with interesting role-playing elements.

Wild adventure in the region that involves danger, treasure hunts, and many types of weapons are always able to attract the attention of gamers. Borderlands offers everything that make it as interesting game . According to the leader of the Gearbox (the developers who create Borderlands), Randy Pitchford, this game can be called a Role-playing Shooter (RPS).

On one side you will find the intense action gun, while on the other hand, you can also develop your character by using equipment that is found throughout the game shows a Role-playing game (RPG).

Before the game started, you can choose one of three characters that are provided. Mordecai as a sniper expert, Roland with the ability put-off distance, and Lilith, with ability to use a similar magic.

Each character will have unique capabilities in accordance with the background of these characters. Along with the running game, you can strengthen the character with weapons and new skills acquired when the board level. In addition, you will get special expertise, if often uses a type of weapon, for example, the attacks become more powerful and accurate.

Feature are quite interesting from this game are so many types of weapons that you can find in the game. You may find the weapons that are similar shapes, but it has a special ability. Almost like the objects that you can find in the action RPG, Diablo . In addition, you can also play with your friends through multiplier mode while increasing your character and the ability to use the characters in the single player mode.

Borderlands Official Website:

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